News & Events

DOMINO-Workshop at the Competence Centre for Fruit Growing Bavendorf

Growing Bavendorf (KOB), organized by the Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau (Organic Fruit Growing Association) in the scope of the project “DOMINO”.

About 20 participants, most of them organic fruit growers, took part in the workshop and got a detailed overview on the project “DOMINO”: The trials at the KOB on the improvement of biodiversity by peas in the tree row were presented and the first results of the fertilization trial on the use of alternative fertilisers were shown and discussed intensively with the participants. Moreover, the on-farm trials in DOMINO for 2019 and 2020 were discussed and planned with the interested farmers.  Additionally, Jonathan Kern (Bioland Beratung / organic consultant for the association Bioland) reported on the spade soil sampling done last year in cooperation with FÖKO e.V. and DOMINO. Also, Stefan Pilz (HfWU Nürtingen-Geislingen University) explained and demonstrated how to do a simple method for practitioners on soil structure analysis.